Tag Archives: Sound Art
2019 Faculty Biennial Exhibition
The University of Alabama’s Department of Art and Art History’s 2019 Faculty Biennial Exhibition opens today. I’m showing three works:
- Brush Mind: Second Hand – a collaboration with Jane Cassidy and Hank Lazer (a still from the piece is above)
- Pink Noise – a new piece of sound art
- A Work of Art for Every Entry in Index—Subjects—Library of Congress – a new piece of generative computer art
Two other new faculty are exhibiting work: Jonathan Cumberland and Wade MacDonald. Featured artists also include William Dooley, Allison Grant, Jason Guynes, Chris Jordan, Sarah Marshall, Giang Pham, Pete Schulte, Sky Shineman, Bryce Speed, and Craig Wedderspoon.
The exhibit runs through October 11, 2019. Hours are Monday through Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm. An opening reception will be held on Thursday, September 5 from 5-7pm.
Class Announcement

Ryan, we’re soundwalking. Wait here. Be back soon.
Sonifying the Unlikely
I’m participating in a panel discussion on unusual sound sources at Southern Sonic today. The panel is moderated by Dan Sharp and includes Andrew Raffo Dewar, Tim Feeney, Taylor Lee Shepherd and Rick Snow.
Saturday 5/12 2pm
Sonifying the Unlikely as a Practice in Contemporary Music and Sound Art
Southern Sonic
Contemporary Arts Center
New Orleans LA
Looking forward to a lively discussion!
Arts Electric: A tribute to Maryanne Amacher (1943—2009)
Arts Electric: A tribute to Maryanne Amacher (1943—2009)
Arts Electric has posted a moving tribute to Maryanne Amacher written by Micah Silver.
These Days
These days I’ve been helping sound artist Micah Silver with his upcoming installation, The End of Safari, at MassMoCA. It’s part of an exhibit called These Days that opens on Saturday 4/4.
Micah asked me to build a way to aim a Holosonics Audio Spotlight speaker on a pan/tilt head using MIDI messages. I worked with a MidiTron he already owned, a handful of relays and the usual baling wire, duct tape and chewing gum. The setup provides an uncanny sense of localization–much more ghostly than panning a sound around an array of speakers.
Here’s a shot of the altogether messy electronics.
Soundwalkers: Film about Sound
Here’s Soundwalkers by Raquel Castro: a wonderful film on sound, listening, acoustic ecology.
Max Neuhaus: Sound Art Pioneer
Just heard through the webvine that sound artist Max Neuhaus has died. Neuhaus was a pioneer of sound installation work and will definitely be missed.
I remember being pleased to hear that his quasi-official Times Square installation had finally been granted permanent status. It’s invisible, sometimes inaudible, but still the best reason to visit Times Square.
Read an obit from the Houston Chronicle.
Sound Art in Geometer
Geometer Magazine has published an essay by James Wyness: Sound Art – the Politics of Representation, Truth and Listening. Wyness provides a good overview of the many art practices that fall under the Sound Art rubric with special attention given to Environmental Sound Art. A nice read–let’s hope Geometer and Wyness add links to sound files soon.
Note: sound files are here.
Tellus on UBUweb
Selected volumes of the sound-art cassette series Tellus are now available on UBUweb. About 10 years ago I helped transfer some of the Tellus master tapes onto CDs for the Harvestworks archive. There are some true gems in the Tellus series. It’s great to have them more widely available.